Are you an economic operator placing or making available on the market single-axis hinges?
Do they carry the CE mark?
Single-axis hinges as defined in clause 1 of EN 1935:2002 Building hardware - Single-axis hinges - Requirements and test methods and its corrigendum EN 1935:2002/AC:2003, and which are intended to be used on fire/smoke compartmentation doors fitted with door closing devices, should carry the CE mark.
For all CE-marked construction products, the manufacturer should have drawn up a Declaration of Performance (in line with the Construction Products Regulation) and economic operators must ensure that this documentation is made available to them and eventually made available to the Market Surveillance Directorate upon request.
The CE mark, which is affixed to the single-axis hinge by the manufacturer before being placed on the market, can be found either on the hinge itself or else to a label attached to it, to the packaging or to the accompanying documents. Such accompanying documents include installation instructions. Besides the CE symbol, the CE mark should carry other important information in accordance with the requirements of the Construction Products Regulation. The CE mark/symbol should be followed by the two last digits of the year in which it was first affixed, the name and the registered address of the manufacturer, or the identifying mark allowing identification of the name and address of the manufacturer easily and without any ambiguity, the unique identification code of the product-type, the reference number of the Declaration of Performance, the level or class of the performance declared, the reference to EN 1935:2002, the identification number of the notified body, and the intended use.
However, if a manufacturer designs and manufactures single-axis hinges which are not intended to be used on fire/smoke compartmentation doors fitted with door closing devices, then no CE marking is required.
Any interested parties may view the contents of the harmonised European standard indicated above at the MCCAA offices free of charge by sending a request for an appointment on [email protected].
If the answer is yes and you do not intend to use single-axis hinges on fire/smoke compartmentation doors fitted with door closing devices, then no CE mark is required.
If you intend to use single-axis hinges on fire/smoke compartmentation doors fitted with door closing devices, then kindly ensure that the product you purchase is CE-marked and carries the important information described above.