Strategic training collaboration between the MCCAA and the University of Malta
The MCCAA and the University of Malta are working together through a strategic collaboration on training. The initiative is targeted towards current and future leaders with the objective to enhance capacity building and enable networking between students, professionals and experts.
The strategic collaboration was launched by Parliamentary Secretary for Consumer Rights, Public Cleansing and Support for the Capital City Deo Debattista. He stated that “the cutting-edge research that is being shared between the MCCAA and the University of Malta on consumer engagement reflects our commitment to ensure that Malta’s digital leadership focuses on making markets that work better for consumers, business and society.”
Helga Pizzuto, MCCAA Chairperson, remarked that the authority is transforming its work through judicious use of technology. She noted the extensive collaboration with academic institutions through the Advanced Fellowship Programme which enables translation of research into tangible initiatives, broadens horizons of participants and capitalises on the expertise available.
“The collaboration between the MCCAA and the University of Malta resulted in specialised training from local and international experts that benefits students, the general public and MCCAA employees. We believe that this is a best-practice in the implementation of the University’s strategic plan and shall serve as a springboard for further initiatives”, said Dr Emanuel Said, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy and Head of Department of Marketing at the University of Malta.
The MCCAA will continue integrating innovative approaches in its ecosystems through a resilient and comprehensive approach.