Some 57 types of equipment are listed in Directive 2000/14/EC. It refers mainly to outdoor machinery, such as those used on construction sites or in parks and gardens. The regulations aim at improving the control of noise emissions by 57 types of equipment used outdoors (Articles 12 and 13, Annex I), such as:
different types of saws,
mixers, etc.;
The following types of equipment are excluded:
non-powered attachments (to tools) that are separately placed on the market or put into service (except for hand-held concrete-breakers and picks);
all equipment intended for the transport of goods or persons by public road or rail or by air or on waterways;
equipment designed and constructed for use by the police or the military.
Almost all of the 57 types of equipment are also within the scope of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and both directives address issues arising from noise emissions. However, the machinery directive focuses on the occupational safety of the operator (amongst other things) and the Outdoor Noise Directive on the overall environmental effects.
produce an EC declaration of conformity (DoC) with equipment - which states that the equipment conforms with the provisions of this directive, as well as any other relevant directives. More on Manufacturers’ obligations can be found here.
affix an indelible legible marking to each item of equipment indicating the guaranteed sound power level.
affix the CE marking visibly, legibly and indelibly to each item of equipment. More on CE marking requirements can be found here.