Consumers' Complaint Form

Name *
Surname *
ID Card/Passport *
Address *
Locality *
Telephone Number *
Mobile Number
Name of Trader *
Address of Trader
Telephone of Trader
Type of Product or Service
Amount Paid *
Date of Purchase *
How was service purchased?
Was the trader informed?
Have you contacted other authorities about this complaint?
When did you first notice that there might be a problem?
Trader's response *
Further details of complaint *
  Declaration in line with the Data Protection Act: I hereby give my consent to the Complaints and Conciliation Directorate, within the MCCAA, to use the information I am submitting to it, as may be deemed fit but for solely for the purpose of assisting me in terms of the Consumer Affairs Act, Cap. 378 of the Laws of Malta. I am aware that this may require the disclosure of my name, address and details relating to my complaint to the trader involved in my case. For more information about how we process your personal data, please see our privacy policy.